
Mycelial Reciprocity

Source: ACLU

Interbeing Fungi strongly believes in the principles of reciprocity, solidarity and liberation.

We use this project to actualize our beliefs by using profits to give back to our communities, educating people about the origins of these medicines, and supporting intersectional liberation movements fighting alongside Drug Policy Reform and Human Rights (where we believe we are as part of the emerging psychedelic movement).

This is how we promise to be accountable to our principles:

We source all of our organic fungi and herbal ingredients locally, and if we can’t, we buy them from ethical, fair trade companies that are not on the BDS list.

Source: Jules Amanita

We donate 10% of all of our profits to a different radical organization every month.

add page with scroll list of radical orgs.

We acknowledge and pay honor and respect to the original indigenous tribes who used fungi ceremonially.

Read more about the Mazatec people here.

We offer a discount to anyone who is BIPOC, Queer, formerly incarcerated for drug related offenses, a healthcare worker, or in need of financial assistance. If you identify with one of these populations, reach out to us through email for a discount code!

Source: The Re-earth Initiative!

We pay our workers fairly. Learn more about how to unionize your workplace.

If you have any questions or feedback about our principles of mycelial reciprocity, feel free to send us an email by clicking the star.